Duck Hunting in Missouri Articles, Duck Hunting Recipes & Duck Hunting Tips & Tricks

We are delighted to share with you informative "news" style articles about the latest not only in Missouri duck hunting, but all news related to our wonderful sport of duck hunting. We will also publish tips for all levels of hunters as well as product reviews on the latest gear and even recipes for those of you that think you are the next Bobby Flay. In other words, we hope to have something for everyone that browses through our website.

When the Missouri duck hunting season starts, we will be posting videos and pictures on our social media pages so you can see the action we see here in Missouri. If you are a regular follower, we know it will only be a matter of time before you are standing ankle-deep in the mud right next to us waiting for the morning or afternoon duck flight. Enjoy the site and good luck bagging your limit!


Contact us today to see how we can give you a snow goose hunting experience you’ll cherish forever.

Dealing with Missouri Cold Weather Duck HuntingSo you want to be a hardcore duck hunter? That means you need to be willing to get out there after the “recreational” hunters have left the area and it is just us diehards. This also means that you need to put on your big boy pants because it is going to be cold! The reward… cold weather duck hunting in Missouri… Continue reading

Tips and Lessons for Children and Duck HuntingEvery family has its traditions for bonding. For some, it might be sitting on the back porch listening to the ballgame or heading out on an annual ski trip. For people like me, it is hunting. Simply put, there is no better time spent during the Duck Hunting season than the time you spend out there with your kids. There… Continue reading

Preparing Your Gun Dog for Duck Hunting in MissouriA common mistake for new hunters is not having their dog prepared for the season. They pay a small fortune for a well-bred retriever only to face disappointment when they finally get the dog out in the field. Just like us, the dogs need to be trained in real hunting conditions if you expect them to perform well during an actual hunt.… Continue reading

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