Duck hunting in Missouri is very popular, as forty percent of waterfowl migrate through and winter in the Mississippi flyway during the fall migration. Since tens of thousands of waterfowl pass through the area every year, Missouri is centrally located in this flyway and offers duck hunters superior odds of success.
Today, we’re going to talk about why the Show-me State provides… Continue reading
No one’s doubting your successful duck hunting trips of seasons past—whether you’ve been hunting waterfowl 20 years or the 20 days since you got your hunting license, you and those lucky enough to be tolling next to you have had hunts that had bragging all the way to next season. However, let’s not be coy: we’ve all had those hunting… Continue reading
Before we get started, let’s just put this out there…if you are buying an electronic collar to punish your dog, stop right now! The collar should only be used to enforce behavior already learned, not train or punish an animal. Duck hunting dogs are not stupid and they will figure out how to beat you at this game if you do not… Continue reading